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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Neighborhood Violence

OK we're headed into the 4Th of July weekend...yes, I am afraid. My block usually looks like a war zone the next day, smoke hanging in the air, litter, broken pieces of just about everything-but without the body count. This year, I'm not too sure.
With the battle lines already drawn, I have to figure out how to safely leave-staying in isn't an option. Oh, next door has added a new element to an already confused situation-dogs! Pit bulls in fact-oh goodie!
So far, this week at least, the police haven't been seen as frequently, I'm not sure if that's necessarily a good sign....
What's happening here in my little piece of the American dream is not unusual...decay and apathy are common occurrences in any urban setting-I don't live anywhere else-I live here, and for now, I'll have to stay.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Neighborhood violence-a continuation

When we last talked, I was giving a brief out line of a loud and wild weekend in my urban jungle. Family feuds territorial disputes...Middle east comes to the Midwest.
I live on an ordinary block, could be anywhere USA. It has gone through its evolution just like anywhere and every where else. There were home owners then, the real ones, not these flippers and flopper's. Buying a piece of property then moving on, not even bothering with up keep. No, when we first moved this was a real neighborhood. Families. Working, connecting trying to make progress. It was mixed. A buffet of ethnicities, languages, and cultures. A mix of old traditions and a new something that never really took off.
Our park, just a block away had real playground equipment, children ran climbed and swung. The echo of their happy laughter silenced now by drugs, and all the elements of crime that come with that enterprise.
Neighbors, people whose names you knew, faces you recognize-spoke. If it was only a casual civil greeting, real words. Not the screaming and cursing coming from these unknown faces.
Now, well, I suppose what has happened could be blamed on any number of social, political or economic ills...every theory right yet none of them offering a solution.
Perhaps there isn't one solution. A problem this layered can not be simply solved. It needs to first be examined-which could take a while, since no one here seems capable of conversation.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

S.D.D.-Neighborhood violence

Just in case you haven't been paying attention-the title is "what's up?" Same question, different day... got it? For the next post or two, I'll be unwinding from a volatile weekend...
It's the beginning of summer. The real heat has yet to arrive for its usual visit from I ask again, what's up?
My block was particularly loud this past weekend. Flashing lights, slamming cursing rattling music, the works. Did I miss a memo? Was it Argue With Everyone Day? Something Hallmark must have missed.
Where do I start? Fine, at the end of this little piece of the American Dream, round one. Families against families? I'm not really sure of the main characters. At least one group has been here for as long as we have...Their brand of dysfunction often clashes with that of the family across the street-there are young children involved. This round usually just involves cursing and shouting-police showing up just occasionally. Let's move on or rather down, closer to my end where the real fun is!
There is another family unit, guardians of the one quite understands their grip on this crumbling section of urban delight. Their battles seem to be mainly territorial, a twisted fairy tale, with all of them cast as the trolls just forgetting to ask the three questions...the rest of us daring to cross the bridge without the necessary permission.
Well, there are of course more'll have to come back.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I'll make this quick-I think I finally got a website! go see if you like it, it's a work in progress but hey it's working!
till next time.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I think I may have finally gotten it out of my system, so here is the end:
On line business, work at home jobs/opportunities, my inbox explodes with hooks, shiny bright and new every morning. I can't seem to resist to click that damn click here command. Most of them I just delete obviously not soon enough, cause here I go again. But I am determined more so now than ever.Perhaps my frustrations have just turned to rage, like giving these "gurus" the finger. That's it! I'll just give myself a cool sounding title, pull my many failures together-what not to do formant-e book. Damn, I'll have to set up another website, figure out that whole search engine thing-when will it end?
I hope you've enjoyed my ode to Internet marketing I'm sure there will be more verses later on, but for now my head is finally quiet.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Same question, different day-the battle continues

OK I said there would be more, and yes it took me a minute to get back here, so here goes:

Am I not dedicated enough nor motivated?
True, I am brand new, no knowledge of codes nor websites-I tried that too. Yep, didn't work either.
More code to insert, but where? By this time I knew but that wasn't an option in the drop down menu. So, I'm stuck with this stuff-passwords, user names and programs galore-no money. No more to invest on something else that won't work.
Yes, I've asked for help. Got lead around the world wide web like a pup first time on the leash-checked my e-mail for replies but to no avail just more lies, at least another version of the truth: Internet marketing is a joke! You're laughing right now, aren't you? Stop it! It's not funny.
OK, I was chasing money, badly needed funds, bills piling up on every available surface, tuition's to pay, I can't be the only one drowning in this mountain of stuff, struggling to make sense of exactly where to begin...oh Internet marketing how did I get here again?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Same Question Different Day (SQDD)

Just in case you haven't been paying attention,I thought I would take a moment for clarification. Skids is an acronym for this blog... I know the spelling my be throwing some of you off but work with me. OK... last time I let off a little steam about my growing frustrations with various aspects of this Internet marketing adventure I'm on, well that was all it was, a little steam, I barely heard the whistle so here goes a bit more:
oh Internet marketing how did I get here again? With your grand promises of riches and fortunes, spread out in glossy color techno wonder videos, dollar signs dancing, cool people in front of lots of cooler toys. How tempting, how delightfully tempting!
I thought, to sit back and watch my pay pal account grow and grow, which took me two days to set up. But no! It's not that simple is it dear Internet marketing? Pages and pages of things to download, read, install, programs to sign up for and still I'm not closer than before that fateful morning I paid my $50.00 bucks for something that does not work!